The story of Super Foods begins with the story of our founder. Working in the family pharmaceuticals business and then corporate health insurance, he had experienced both sides of the spectrum: how important one’s health was and how to maintain it.

But what really changed his life was neither of these. In 2019, he was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and border line diabetes, forcing him to change his diet habits overnight. After managing his CKD and diabetes through Kombucha and Super Greens, he truly realised the vast benefits of Kombucha and Natural Superfoods.

Growing up in Asia, he was always mesmarised by different cultures and herbal medicines from that region. Having lived in Malaysia for 7 years, where he discovered Kombucha, a magical drink used to prevent many diseases.

The idea was fermented successfully in his mind. And in 2019 after his diagnosis, the fermentation was done, and it was now time to produce the product. Traditional Kombucha that was used in Asia worked great for people there but not so much for people in the UK. He found that kombucha made here was nothing like he had experienced in Asia. Brewers here just didn’t get it right; it was like drinking sugary soda or just plain fizzy vinegar. In the UK, kombucha is very expensive, taste sour, and not shelf stable. It was no surprise no one wanted to drink it.

Using his Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical experience and connections, Instant Kombucha was invented, a super easy way to get the most benefits out of a super healthy drink. People couldn’t get enough of it because instant Kombucha was nothing like Kombucha drinks being sold in Europe, it is now tastier, healthier, and more affordable.

The goal had been achieved.


Making instant Kombucha was not an easy feat, especially because the goal was not just to sell a product but also to make sure it was sustainable,
environmentally safe, healthy, and accessible to all.

Reducing waste, fighting pollution, and ensuring the safety of the planet were as close to our heart as was the love for making Kombucha accessible for all.

By making instant Kombucha, we removed the need for non-recyclable glass bottles and metal caps. We reduced the extensive amount of energy needed to store it and minimised the waste production by using recycled packaging.

Today, people in the UK and around Europe love instant Kombucha.


The first thing that you will notice about Superfoods Company kombucha is the taste.

It tastes refreshing, and impacts your health stronger than any other kombucha you have tasted before.

That is thanks to the highest quality of the small leaf black tea sourced from the Alishan mountains in Taiwan, famous for their excellent quality black tea. A lot of the taste develops during the fermentation. With our unique SCOBY, our kombucha develops to be extra refreshing and the taste develops deeper.

Mix that with fresh fruit juices without additional sugar, additives, or preservatives, you get Superfoods Company’s kombucha, the best you can get.